Purchase contract withdrawal form

Addressee: Anežka Juhová
Registered office address: Prague 5, Smíchov, Pod Hybšmankou 2818/3
Identification number: 09667946
Phone number: +420 731 903 601
E-mail: studio@anezkajuhova.cz
I hereby declare that I withdraw from the purchase contract:
Date of conclusion of the Agreement:
Name and surname:
Email address:
Specifications of the goods covered by the contract:
The way to return the funds received, or to indicate the bank account number:
If the buyer is a consumer, he has the right if he ordered the goods through the e-shop of Mrs. Anežka Juhová, registered office address: Prague 5, Smíchov, Pod Hybšmankou 2818/3 , identification number: 09667946 , telephone number: +420 731 903 601 , e -email: studio@anezkajuhova.cz (" the seller ") or another means of remote communication, except for the cases specified in § 1837 of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended, withdraw from an already concluded purchase contract within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, or if it is a purchase of goods, then within fourteen days of its receipt. In the case of a contract, the subject of which is several pieces of goods or the delivery of several parts of goods, this period begins to run only on the day of delivery of the last piece or part of goods, and in the case of a contract based on which the goods are to be delivered regularly and repeatedly, from the date of delivery of the first delivery .
The buyer shall notify this withdrawal in writing to the address of the seller's premises or electronically to the e-mail indicated on the sample form.
If the buyer, who is a consumer, withdraws from the purchase contract, he shall send or hand over to the seller, without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the withdrawal from the purchase contract, the goods he received from her.
If the buyer, who is a consumer, withdraws from the purchase contract, the seller will return to him without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the withdrawal from the purchase contract, all funds (the purchase price of the delivered goods), including the delivery costs, which he received from him on the basis of the purchase contracts, in the same way. If the buyer has chosen a different method of delivery of the goods than the cheapest method offered by the seller, the seller will reimburse the buyer for the cost of delivery of the goods only in the amount corresponding to the cheapest method of delivery of the goods offered. The seller is not obliged to return the received funds to the buyer before he receives the goods back or before the buyer proves that the seller has sent the goods.